Cloud Computing as a career
As we previously saw about some basic about cloud computing.According to me, Now its time to see from the window of career towards cloud computing. Cloud computing industry likely to grow $43 billions USD BY 2022 and it will create around millions of jobs across the world.In India the industry is almost of $2.2 billions USD, and it will reached to $4 billions by 2022 at growth rate of 30% per annum,according to IDC(International Data Corporation). Stats from Forbes shown that,the growth of cloud computing was more then it was predicted.Hence the scope in cloud computing is bright in present as well as in long terms in all aspects. Main job roles in cloud computing are as follows: Cloud Architect: To become cloud architect initially you need a certification/ degree provides by a various institutions,service provider(AWS,Azure,Microsoft etc).Cloud Architect responsible for design,deployment of applic