According to OpenStack Cloud community, OpenStack is a cloud Operating System that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacentre, all managed and provisioned through APIs with a common authentication mechanism. OpenStack is an open source Operating system just like and others. It provides a platform for developers to contribute their code. It is accepted worldwide and currently enjoying the 8th birthday. OpenStack is also working on a project with NASA, Rackspace, and other more than 500 companies. Main components of OpenStack are as follow: Keystone: Authentication Process, and also deals with security. Glance: Glance is used to storing different images of different operating system Nova: Computing system that is used to launch instances as Ec2 in AWS. Neutron: It is a networking service that connects all the services to each other Swift: It is an object storage system or services. Cinder: It is a Block