

According to OpenStack Cloud community, OpenStack is a cloud Operating System that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacentre, all managed and provisioned through APIs with a common authentication mechanism. OpenStack is an open source Operating system just like and others. It provides a platform for developers to contribute their code. It is accepted worldwide and currently enjoying the 8th birthday. OpenStack is also working on a project with NASA, Rackspace, and other more than 500 companies.   Main components of OpenStack are as follow: Keystone:  Authentication Process, and also deals with security. Glance:  Glance is used to storing different images of different operating system Nova:  Computing system that is used to launch instances as Ec2 in AWS. Neutron:  It is a networking service that connects all the services to each other Swift:  It is an object storage ...

Cloud IoT

          Before moving on  Cloud  IoT first we should take a quick glance about what IoT is? IoT is those devices that are able to transfer or receive the data over the internet or in other words it can communicate with the connected system. IoT devices are not standard computer system and they can be controlled and monitor remotely.          Best Example of IoT device is Home Automation that everyone is aware of, but it is more than it looks. What is Cloud IoT?      In simple terms cloud, IoT can be defined, “as a collection of IoT’s data transferred, maintain or manipulated(connect to the store, process and analyze) on the cloud are said to be IoT with Cloud.        For continue reading click here

Cloud Computing as a career

            As we previously saw about some basic about cloud computing.According to me, Now its time  to see from the window of career towards cloud computing.              Cloud computing industry likely to grow $43 billions USD BY 2022 and it will create around millions of jobs across the world.In India the industry is almost of $2.2 billions USD, and it will reached to $4 billions by 2022 at growth rate of 30% per annum,according to IDC(International Data Corporation).         Stats from Forbes shown that,the growth of cloud computing was more then it was predicted.Hence the scope in cloud computing is bright in present as well as in long terms in all aspects.                             Main job roles in cloud computing are as follows:     Cloud Architect: To become cloud architect initi...

Advantages of Coud Computing

       Previously ,we have seen about cloud computing and its types .Now moving forward to its advantages and disadvantages.As we all know that everythings has two faces positive and negatives.Hence,we will see advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. ADVANTAGES OF CLOUD COMPUTING Scalability:   Cloud computing provides vast numbers of servers or can use numerous of machine at a time on a very large scale,on the basis of requirement .  For example, let's assume that you owned a website namely ""  you have a good amount of traffic (visitors) and a same amount of servers on cloud but certainly your traffic increase  so you need a N amount of servers ,that's defined the scalability. i.e. you can extend your services on a very large amount or scale. Cost-savings:                Everyone loves the saved money. How cloud computing saves money? well, cloud computing...

Types of cloud computing

Already Discuss in previous page what is cloud computing? . Now it's time to know about types of Cloud Computing.  As cloud computing has rapidly increase and widespread several  model introduced,which provides different level of control, flexibility and management. On the basis of its services and implementing models cloud computing are the following of  types Types of cloud computing on the basis of services: 1. Infrastructure as a Service  (IaaS): As name suggest in this type of service, it provides infrastructure for IT firm/Organization. IaaS can also said as basic block of cloud.It Provides virtual computer,servers(computer), networking features etc.IaaS can also be referred as a Physical IT equipments. 2. Platform as a Service(PaaS): By its name, its provides the platform for the application. This service help client to provide favourable environment and space without  worries of its increment of capacity,Choosing of...

what Cloud Computing is?

                          Hey guys as I know you came here to know about cloud computing/technology.We heard about it from every organization and even a small scale industries not only from IT firms but from all of sectors.         By not wasting more time, i come to the point what cloud computing really means? something like, we have to sit on mountains and deal it with cloud? NO, its not.        To understand in a good way about cloud computing You should know the situations before it introduced,  At that time if any company want to give a services like a email service it has to keep the servers,operating system and many more physical infrastructure to run the services  which result the high cost and burden to the company and it was not a scalable without pouring a lot of money rather focus on expanding service company focus on its infrastructures leads ...