Advantages of Coud Computing

 Previously ,we have seen about cloud computing and its types.Now moving forward to its advantages and disadvantages.As we all know that everythings has two faces positive and negatives.Hence,we will see advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

  Cloud computing provides vast numbers of servers or can use numerous of machine at a time on a very large scale,on the basis of requirement .
 For example, let's assume that you owned a website namely ""  you have a good amount of traffic (visitors) and a same amount of servers on cloud but certainly your traffic increase 
so you need a N amount of servers ,that's defined the scalability. i.e. you can extend your services on a very large amount or scale.

               Everyone loves the saved money. How cloud computing saves money? well, cloud computing service provides only charges of what you use,
It  eliminates the requirement of expertise and also no need of maintenance. No need to buy hardware's that's the most crucial and a main pillar of cloud computing.

            One can access the services remotely with simply good connection of internet.

                No need to worries about security to client all the responsibility taken by service provides.All providers kept all the possibilities security upto date.

Software Updation's:
                      As of new software introduces, updating will be must,hence cloud services provides that service too.
Management : 
                      Always available to provides report and takes a appropriate action and easily manageable by a single employee too. 
Workspace : 
                     No need of workspace like industries or factory acquired, works can be done in small amount of area too.

                Cloud Storage's commonly used for backups for a large amount of data of organizations and also used by lots of people in limited amount but data store on very large scale.

             It works 24*7. But that can be controlled by the clients

And their are many more advantages but above are crucial advantages.

          Disadvantages of cloud computing 

      As always heard about good side of cloud computing but rarely talk about it's drawbacks.
                      Different types of applications runs on different platforms fails to support if change in server's operating system.
                     Though it has good quality of security but not a proper implemented security tool  leads to a open door for hackers or criminal.
     Service Providers:
                      All the service providers provides almost same type of services although if you want to change the vendor it creates a lot of problems and cost you a lot.

                    Essential for cloud computing same importance like oxygen for living things. Without internet you can't access your application or any data even though you owned them.
      Slags of servers:
                       Sometimes due to high loads on servers it creates  slow down and eventually affects the clients business and services.

   This are some advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing ,further you can suggest me by commenting below. Thanks for reading.      
